The BRAT Club is committed to safe riding,
respecting those around us and supporting each other.
Rider Progression Chart.
The BRAT Club uses this rider progression chart to ensure we ride safely at all times.
Experienced riders please note you can be at the Green Level in one week.
New to riding? We will help you move up levels and do with new members each week, so join us and start riding.
Red Level: All new riders must start on the Tuesday morning Centennial Park ride and be assessed by a ride leader or coach before joining us on a non-highway ride.
Yellow Level: Riders must ride a LaPa ride on Thursday morning or the Eastern ride on Saturday morning and be assessed by a ride leader or coach before joining us on a highway ride.
Green Level: Riders can join all rides, please note three unsafe riding warnings means returning to the Yellow Level.
Ride Leaders.
Each BRAT ride has a Ride Leader, and they will ensure:
New members are welcomed
Instilling a ‘safety first’ ride culture and adherence to our ride safe ways
Check the capabilities of riders to complete the course
Decide on how many groups there will be, a pace and no drop group
Manage the pace and safety of each ride
They are not always at the front, but move within the group as needed to ensure a safe ride. On busy roads they may be at the rear calling the lane movements
Ensure everyone who starts the ride, finishes the ride and is welcomed to coffee and chat
Ride Leaders Briefing List.
Before each ride the Ride Leader needs to address these points:
Ask for new members or first timers doing this ride, and how to communicate via WhatsApp chat for any issues
Agree on group size (max 12)
Agree on who is the Ride Leader and the Sweeper
Agree on Drop / No Drop and regrouping place(s)
Identify any areas of danger and ride style (ie no aero)
Ask for questions or comments
Riding In A Group.
When riding with the BRAT Club please ensure you:
Obey the directions by the Ride Leaders
No riding on your aero bars
Echo any calls (verbal or signals for the riders behind you)
Follow all road rules and watch out for others in the group
Don’t break from the group without clear acknowledgement from the Ride Leader
Don’t merge other groups in a ride. Other groups ride differently and this can cause accidents
Headphones are not allowed, enjoy the chat with mates
Have a bike in good working order and serviced
The night before check you have:
charged lights (front and back)
good tyre pressure and working brakes, gears lubricated and electronic gears charged
a spare tube and mini bike pump or gas
enough nutrition and water for the ride
appropriate clothing (if in doubt ask)
Money, ID and a phone
BRAT kit
Road Rules.
Please ensure you carry identification, or have it easily accessible on your phone.
Please ensure there is a 1 metre gap at all times.
Helmet + Bell
A helmet is compulsory at all times while riding and must meet Australian Standards. Your bike must also have a working bell.
The road is there to share and we are respectful of cars in order encourage safe riding.
Cars must give riders 1 metre of space if under 60km/h or 1.5 metres of space if over 60km/h.
Drivers can cross marked lines to pass riders, or wait behind until safe to pass.
Carry them, don’t hold them and take calls or text whilst riding.
Street Riding
The BRAT Club follows all street rules, including stopping at red lights, stop signs, riding with lights, indicating to cars, and giving way to traffic.
Ride Calls + Signals
Bunch Riding
Please ensure when riding in groups you do not:
Use aero bars
Overlap the rear wheel of the rider in front of you
Swerve left or right of the rider in front of you, this can cause accidents
Lose focus, everyone needs to stay alert
Ride Leaders will call ‘Singles’ when the group is to ride in single formation. This is generally to pass a parked car when changing lanes isn’t an option.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Rolling Turns
An effective way to ride as a group, each rider spends time at the front. The front outside rider says ‘Rolling’.
When the front rider on inside is overtaken they call ‘Yes’ to let the front outside rider know they call shift left.
When the last rider on the outside goes past the last rider on the left they call ‘Last Wheel’.
Changing Lanes
Generally a raised hand by the front rider, indicating they want to change lanes. They can say ‘Call’ if needed.
Rear rider calls ‘Wait’ meaning it is not safe to change lanes.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Called by the last rider when it is safe for all riders in front to change lanes.
Each rider must have changed lanes before calling this, not as they are changing lanes as this is dangerous. Please ensure any cars are clear of the front rider before saying ‘Over’.
As mid pack riders change lanes they should echo the call of ‘Over’.
When ever changing pace please say ‘Slowing’ and use this hand signal. Then say ‘Stopping’ if coming to a standstill.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Passing A Rider
When overtaking a rider on the left please use this signal and say ‘Rider Right’.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Say ‘Hole’ or ‘Water’ or ‘Stick’ and indicate where on the road it is, if in doubt call ‘Hazard’ loud and clear, always best go be safe.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Ease Up
Any rider can ask the group to ‘Ease Up’ if they are struggling to hold the pace.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
If a rider has a mechanical issue please call ‘Mechanical’ and the group will stop when safe. Everyone helps each other to get back riding quickly.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
All On
After a fast section or a hill when the last rider has rejoined the group they call ‘All On’ and this indicates the group can resume their pace.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Car Back / Car Passing
When a car is waiting behind the group please call ‘Car Back’ and the front riders will consider moving left to left the car pass.
When a car is passing the group please call ‘Car Passing’ so everyone knows to watch for the car.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Hold The Lane
Ride Leaders will generally call ‘Hold The Lane’ when they want the group to stay in the lane, and not change lanes or move to singles.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
When approaching a red light or potential stop (ie. traffic) the front rider calls ‘Stopping’ or ‘Rolling’ depending on the circumstance.
In the rare occurrence something suddenly changes once the front rider is in the intersection it is the rear rider / sweeper who decides if the remaining riders needs to stop for safety.
Every rider must echo what is told to them so everyone hears.
Ride Videos.
There is alot to learn when starting out with group riding and these informational videos are a great way to get you started.
Every ride finishes with a coffee, tea and chat.
Please join us.